Zertifizierungsprüfung 9L0-624 Apple

Zertifizierungsprüfung 9L0-624 Apple

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9L0-624 Mac OS X Directory Services 10.6 Exam ACE Acrobat, ACE AfterEffects, ACE Captivate, ACE ColdFusion
,ACE Dreamweaver,ACE Flash, ACE Flex, ACE FrameMaker,ACE GoLive,ACE Illustrator,ACE InDesign,ACE LiveCycle,ACE Premiere,ACE RoboHelp, Adobe Certification, Photoshop,Photoshop Certified Expert

Zertifizierungsprüfung 9L0-624 Apple

You have started up a Mac OS X Server v10.6 computer in single-user mode. In this mode, which command-line tool should you use to edit a user in the /Local/Default directory domain?

A. vi
B. vipw
C. plutil
D. slapadd

Answer: A

You are configuring a Mac OS X Server v10.6 computer to search multiple directory domains. How can you specify the order in which the server searches the directories when authenticating users?

A. Define a custom search path in the Authentication pane of Directory Utility.
B. Run slapconfig -setauthmechanisms and specify the directory domain search order.
C. In the Mappings pane of Directory Utility, modify the mapping for the
AuthenticationAuthority attribute.
D. In the Advanced pane of Workgroup Manager, configure the computer account and
enter the authentication search path.

Answer: A

In Mac OS X v10.6, how do you enable or disable debug logging for the DirectoryService process?

A. Enter the command killall -USR1 DirectoryService in Terminal.
B. In Server Admin, select Detailed Logging in the Open Directory service pane.
C. Enter the command defaults write com.apple.DirectoryService LogLevel debug in Terminal.
D. Enter the command serveradmin settings dirserv:loggingAttributes:logLevel = “debug”
in Terminal.

Answer: A

Zertifizierungsprüfung 9L0-624 Apple