Zertifizierungsprüfung 000-M240 ibm

Zertifizierungsprüfung 000-M240 ibm

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000-M240 IBM Lotus Sametime Unified Telephony Sales Mastery Test v1 ACE Acrobat, ACE AfterEffects, ACE Captivate, ACE ColdFusion
,ACE Dreamweaver,ACE Flash, ACE Flex, ACE FrameMaker,ACE GoLive,ACE Illustrator,ACE InDesign,ACE LiveCycle,ACE Premiere,ACE RoboHelp, Adobe Certification, Photoshop,Photoshop Certified Expert

Zertifizierungsprüfung 000-M240 ibm

Which of the following is NOT a technology readiness indicator?
A. Participant in a recent merger or acquisition
B. Sametime Standard or Advanced customers
C. Autonomous IT and Telecom departments
D. Migrating to IP telephony

Answer: A

UCC emphasizes the value of integrating ______________with voice communications
A. Messaging applications
B. Collaboration applications
C. Web Applications
D. Customer Relationship Management applications

Answer: B

Zertifizierungsprüfung 000-M240 ibm

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